2012년 8월 2일 목요일

KONY 2012

Kony 2012
I'll talk about Kony 2012 . Many people wont Know Kony. So I'll tell you who is Kony.Kony os a man who kidnaps a child and make children armyto make his power stronger. Also, he belives in his body t5here are 12 gods. Isn't it crazy. Let's stop talking about KOny and I'll have my argument about Kony.

I think Kony 2012 is bad, because when everybody wants to Kony to be dead then Kony will bigger army and this problem will get bigger. so my thinking is only millarty should praticepate in Komny 2012.

댓글 2개:

  1. Make sure you spellcheck Jaemin. I like how you pointed out some interesting facts about Kony, especially this "religion". However, try to elaborate more. For example, you can talk about why he should be stopped and what other people can do about it.

  2. You are off to a good start, but I think you posted this before you finished. Try to save your work and don't publish it until it is done. You also need to make sure you structure your essay with more organization.

    Let's see what you come up with next time you blog.:)
